The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

Learning about California's Grasslands - Videos and Links


“Hidden Treasure: California Native Grasses”  - 2008 Videos by the California Native Grasslands Association. 

California Native Grasslands, Part IUploaded May 14, 2008. 

California Native Grasslands, Part 2, May 14, 2008

The Forest Beneath Our Feet: Exploring the Beauty and Complexity of California's Grasslands. Michelle Halbur, MS, Preserve Ecologist, Pepperwood Preserve, Sonoma County. October 23, 2020. 

Web Pages

California's Central Valley Grasslands

World Wildlife Fund's page on California's Central Valley

Field Guide for Common California Rangeland and Pasture Plants of California. 2016.  Authors: Larry Forero, Josh Davy, Sheila Barry, James Bartolome, and Stephanie Larson. 

California's Coastal Prairies

Guide to the Pasture  Plants of Coastal San Mateo County. 2016. Produced produced by Point Blue Conservation Science in cooperation with TomKat Ranch and partner organizations. The guide was written and illustrated by Point Blue ecologist Mel Preston and designed by Jordan Rosenblum at Studio Clear. 

Grasslands and Vernal Pools

Grassland and Vernal Pool Resources, from the California Native Plant Society's multi-year effort to document and study California's grassland and vernal pool alliances. 

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