The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

CNGA Founding Members' Articles 

David Amme


David Amme collecting Festuca rubra seed at Richmond's Pt. Molate, May 2002. Photo by Jim Hanson

David Amme discovered and developed the cultivar Molate Blue Red Fescue, a drought-tolerant, fine-textured native Festuca rubra grass ecotype that originated from Point Molate's coastal prairie. This grass not only stabilizes slopes but also serves as a lawn alternative, highlighting the ecological and practical value of Point Molate’s native flora.

This page recognizes just some of what David Amme has contributed to the mission of the California Native Grasslands Association. He was a founding member, Past-President, taught the Grass Identification class across California, and has written many articles on California’s coastal native grasses, as well as native grasslands in general. Many in the Bay Area have been introduced to the beauty and resilience of coastal prairie bunchgrasses and wildflowers thanks to grassland hikes he's led at Richmond's Pt. Molate. Below are several important reference articles contributed to CNGA by David. Thank you David!

Year Issue          Title
2013 3 The Grasslands of the Potrero, San Pablo, and Point Molate Shore
2011 1 Grass is the forgiveness of nature
2011 1 REPRINT: from the Grasslands archives--from first issue: Working with native perennial grasses
2010 1 Field Notes: Research and Development of Perennial Creeping Muhlenbergias
2010 1 Rare Hoover Semaphore Grass Threatened
2009 1 President's Keyboard
2009 2 President's Keyboard
2009 3 President's Keyboard
2009 4 President's Keyboard
2008 1 The Grasses and Grasslands of Marin and Sonoma Counties
2008 3 Dual CNGA Awards of Recognition in 2008: Founding Members Everett Butts and Scott Stewart honored
2008 3 The Ecology and Development of California Oatgrass: the Champagne of Grasses (Second Author: Micallef, Sean)
2008 4 Carex pansa (Pacific Dune Sedge) The sedge with the other name
2007 1 Notes on the Common Grasses of California: from A to V, part 3 Agrostis (Bentgrass) I
2007 1 Sonoma/Marin Coastal Prairie Workshop
2007 2 Notes on the Common Grasses of California: from A to V, part 3
2007 3 Santa Barbara Grass ID Workshop and Field Trip
2007 4 Highland Lakes Retreat
2006 2 Berkeley Sedge (aka Carex tumulicola) Is not a native sedge
2006 2 Slender False Brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum) Spreading into California
2006 3 CNGA's Spring 2006 Workshops
2006 3 Update: Fort Baker Ranch--a Half-Century Later
2006 4 Drill Seeding Wild Grass Seed: Innovation in the Field
2005 1 CNGA/CNPS Field Trip: Point Molate, also note on Point Molate
2005 2 A Unique Fescue Bunchgrass in California: Festuca X
2005 2 UC Richmond Field Station's Remnant Coastal Terrace Grassland
2005 3 Catalina Grass: An Introduction
2004 1 A Look Back
2004 1 Notes on the Common Grasses of California: from A to V
2004 1 Seeding after Wildflowers (Second Author: Francis, Ann)
2004 2 Achnatherum Needlegrass
2004 3 An Outstanding New Book: Wild Lilies, Irises, and Grasses
2004 3 Notes on the Common Grasses of California: from A to V, Part 2
2004   Notes on Common California Native Meadow Grasses A to V (complete, published in Grasslands in parts)
2004   Grasslands Heritage: Stewardship of a Changed Grassland (published in Bay Nature)
 c 2003   Historical Works of California Native Grasses and Grassland Management - Assembled bibliography of grassland papers published from 1908 to 2003
2003 2 The Native Grass Sierra Seed Zone Program: A Progress Report
2003 3 Creating a Native Meadow (with Native Meadow Grasses box)
2003 4 Nassella Notes
2003 4 Northern California 2003 Field Trip Reports
2003   Identifying and Appreciating the Native and Naturalized Grasses of California (CNGA Workshop Booklet)
2001 3 Mountain Meadow Field Trip
1999 3 New genetic information may reduce gridlock on the question of using non-local native grass ecotypes in post-wildfire seeding
1998 4 Letter to Editor: more on Muhlenbergia rigens
1994 1 Letter to Editor
1993 1 Letter to the Editor
1992 1 CNGA Technology Committee Report
1992 2 Seeding after wildfires in California (Second Author: Adams, Ted)
1992 4 Grassland Restoration in California
1992   1992 CNGA Research and Development Program Final Report  (not published in Grasslands)
1991 1 Working with Native Perennial Grasses
1991 3 Brome alert! (Second Author: Camel, Susan)
1991 3 CNGA Technology Committee Report
1989   Restoration and Management of California's Grassland Habitats (co-authored by Barbara M Pitschel) (Presented at SERCAL Conference)
1985   Nursery Production of Western Native Perennial Grasses (Proceedings of International Erosion Control Assoc. Conference)
    California Agrostis (Bentgrass) (not published in Grasslands)
    Grasses of California (not published in Grasslands)
    An Introduction to California's Native Grasses (not published in Grasslands)
    Historical Works of California Native Grasses and Grassland Management (not published in Grasslands)
    Native California Meadow Grasses (pamphlet, updated August 2020)
    Ornamental California Native Grasses, Sedges and Rushes for the Landscape (CNGA Workshop Booklet)
See 1992 Grasslands Article   Seeding After Wildfires in California: Seed with natives
     Native Perennial Grass Establishment and Management, Paul Kephart and David Amme

John H. Anderson

About John Anderson

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2010 Feb. Newsroom. Success Stories: Landowner Profile John Anderson.


The below articles are excerpted from:

Bringing Farm Edges Back to Life! Landowner Conservation Handbook. 2001 (reprinted 2002). Eds. Robins, P, RB Hoomes, K Laddish. Yolo County RCD. Woodland, CA. 101 pages.

Making Wildlife and Clean Farming Compatible. 2001. John Anderson

Direct Seeding of California Native Grasses in the Sacramento Valley and Foothills. 2001. John Anderson

Tailwater Ponds for Water Quality, Habitat and Farmland Benefits. 2001. John Anderson and Jeanette Wrysinski

Selected Irrigation Canal Vegetation for Seasonal Summer Systems. 2001.  John Anderson

Levee Revegetation with Native Grasses. 2001. John Anderson and Rick Rominger

Using Transplants to Establish Native Grasses, Sedges and Rushes (Plug Planting). 2001 John Anderson

Establishing Hedgerows on Farms in California. Long and Anderson. 2010. UCANR Publication 8390

Bugg, RL, CS Brown, JH Anderson. 1997. Restoring native perennial grasses to rural roadsides in the Sacramento Valley of California: Establishment and Evaluation. Restoration Ecology 5(3): 214-228 

Articles published in  CNGA's quarterly journal, Grasslands

Year Issue Title
2011 1 Note from a CNGA Founder
2010 2 Making wildlife habitat and clean farming compatible (Second Author: Goebel, Liz)
2000 1 President's Desk: Spring Ahead! 
2000 2 President's Desk: Tuning in to grasslands in spring and summer
2000 3 President's Desk: People are at the heart of CNGA's success
1999 3 President's Desk
1999 3 Bringing native grasses into commercial production--the responsibilities of the seed producer
1998 1 Levee Revegetation with Native Grasses  (reprinted version in Yolo RCD 2011, Bring Farm Edges Back to Life)
1997 3 Leymus triticoides "Rio" Now Available
1995 3 Native Grass Restoration in Flood Zones: Preliminary Observations and Cautions
1993 1 Strategies for Establishing Native Grasses
1992 2 Techniques and Initial Results of a Seeding Trial with Ten Species of Native Grasses on Corning Gravelly Loam Soils

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