The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

Ways to Donate and Support CNGA's Mission

Your gifts to CNGA will help us continue our work to promote grassland conservation now and into the future. We thank all those who are able to donate. 


  - The simplest way to support CNGA is to make a gift online.  

  - Call us at 530 902-6009 with your credit card number. 

  - To give by check please make your check out to "CNGA" and then mail it to us at:

California Native Grasslands Association

PO Box 485

Davis, CA 95617-0485

To wire your gift through a bank transfer, please contact We'll provide the information you need to give your bank or financial institution to complete the donation.

Stock and Asset Donations

  - CNGA gratefully accepts gifts in the form of stocks/appreciated securities. We will receive the full value of the stock, while you may avoid paying capital gains tax. Please consult with your financial planner to determine the best option. Download a Charitable Donation Form with CNGA's information or visit this page for more information.

Please email us at admin@cnga.or so that we know the details of your gift and that it is from you.

Donor-Advised funds (DAFs)

  -Donor-advised funds allow donors to make contributions to a dedicated fund managed by a sponsoring organization, such as a community foundation or financial institution. Donors can then recommend grants to specific charitable organizations over time. Make a gift  from your DAF any time of the year. If you haven't yet established a DAF, check with your financial institution regarding any deadlines for setting one up this year.

Please email us at admin@cnga.or so that we know the details of your gift and that it is from you.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs or "rollovers") from Your IRA

  - Individuals aged 70½ or older with Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) can make tax-free distributions directly to eligible charitable organizations, up to a certain limit, as part of their required minimum distributions.

Please email us at admin@cnga.or so that we know the details of your gift and that it is from you.

Bequests and Legacy Gifts

  -Support CNGA for years to come. It’s a gift that costs you nothing now, is flexible and can often be established easily through a new will, trust or an amendment. For more information on bequests, please contact

Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) and Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs)

-These planned giving instruments allow donors to contribute assets to charitable organizations while retaining income or other benefits during their lifetimes or for a specified period.

Corporate Membership and Sponsorship

  - Learn more about corporate membership with CNGA and visit our sponsors page. Contact for more information or to learn more about sponsoring CNGA workshops and other programs.

Privacy Policy                                                                           

California Native Grass Association  dba California Native Grasslands Association is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.        © All rights reserved                   

This organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.

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