The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

Landscaping with Nature  

Designing, building, and maintaining attractive native landscapes that support wildlife and reduce water usage.

Native Landscaping Article Reprints from from Grasslands Journal

Unraveling the Plant-insect Interactions in Your Native Garden, by Billy Krimmel and Haven Kiers. Grasslands, Spring 2020 Vol 30 (1):13-17. 

Designing for Fire--Homeowner Guidelines and Considerations for Native Planting, by Haven Kiers and Jessica Colvin, Grasslands, Summer 2019

This article takes the defensible space recommendations developed by Cal Fire as a starting point, incorporates a firewise native plant palette, and proposes a modernized, habitat-focused, aesthetic approach to defensible space design at the neighborhood scale. 

Grow a Genius! The Excitement of Looking at Evolutionary Radiations in Your Garden, by Eric LoPresti, Grasslands, Spring 2019

Evolutionary processes have shaped species in a single genus to be different in may traits. A native plant gardener can observe and enjoy the diversity in their garden. 

Native Landscaping and Metapopulations, by Billy Krimmel, Grasslands, Fall 2018 

In landscaping, the concept of metapopulations guides us to design human-occupied areas in ways that support wildlife resilience by connecting patches of habitat to one another. 

Springtime Observations in Your Native Garden, by Billy Krimmel, Grasslands, Spring 2018

Native plants share an evolutionary history with local fauna. This article focuses on a few of theses relationships that are easily observed in the spring. 

Creating Structured Native Meadows for Landscapes, by Billy Krimmel and Haven Kiers, Grasslands, Winter 2018

A quick guide for creating structured meadows with advice on site preparation, irrigation, plant selection, aesthetic considerations, monitoring and maintenance. 

Sticky Plants in Your Garden, By Billy Krimmel, Grasslands, Fall 2017

Sticky hairs on plants have a fascinating array of functions.  

Native Landscaping Snapshots: Announcing a New Series, by Billy Krimmel, Grasslands, Summer 2017

The purpose of this series is to explore the potential for habitat restoration through native landscaping, and the value that using natives adds to landscapes by connecting them to larger contexts (e.g., habitat restoration, science education, resource conservation, etc).

Creating a Native Meadow, by David Amme, Grasslands, Summer 2003

From other Sources...

Join the Homegrown National Park Movement!

HOMEGROWN National Park 

Find Native Plants in Your Area

Plant Native! A grassroots call-to-action to regenerate biodiversity. No experience necessary. 

Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tours Keynote Speaker: Doug Tallamy 

Renowned ecologist and entomologist Doug Tallamy explains why native plants are critical to sustaining wildlife and how home gardeners can halt extinction and species loss when they choose native plants, particularly caterpillar host plants. Tallamy was the keynote speaker of the 2020 online Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour, featuring California native plant gardens in the San Francisco East Bay, CA.

Doug Tallamy Resources

Resources for Southern California Gardeners

Gardening and Landscaping with California Native Plants - Lots of  great articles from CNPS San Diego Chapter

Landscaping for Fire Safety

The Combustibility of Landscape Mulches. Stephen Smith & Ed Quarles. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. SP-11-04. 

Why Native Plants Matter

Bird Friendly Communities - Audubon

Xerces Society  

Wildlife Friendly Plants and Gardens

Native Bees and Your Garden - by Krystle Hickman, Pacific Horticulture Winter/Spring 2023

The Butterfly Net - Find the best native host and nectar plants for butterflies and moths anywhere in California, Created by Chris Cosma

Pollinator Friendly Plants - Xerces Society

Establishing Pollinator Meadows from Seed - Xerces Society

Audubon's Bring More Birds to Your Home with Native Plants - Enter your zip code for a list of native plants. 

CNPS Calscape - Host Plants for Butterflies

What attracts pollinators? Calflora's Planting Guide takes your location's parameters into account to determine which native plants will grow well there. 

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