The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

The Work of CNGA: Committee Descriptions

CNGA Committees help guide policy, complete projects, and perform advocacy work.  With the exception of the Executive Committee, a CNGA Member does not have to be a Director on the CNGA Board to be an active participant on a CNGA committee. If you are interested in joining a committee, email:

Active Committees

Grasslands Editorial Committee            

Working with the Managing Editor, the Grasslands Editorial Committee solicits submissions for Grasslands; establishes themes for each issue; and reviews submissions and recommends modification or editing as needed.

Workshop & Events Committee             

The Workshop & Events Committee leads development of new workshops, plans workshop logistics; reviews and approves workshop curriculum and materials; and establishes and maintains policy for distribution of all workshop materials to the public.

GRASS Scholarship Committee

This committee develops scholarship criteria, organizes outreach to solicit application and funding, reviews submissions, and selects recipients.

Conservation and Advocacy Committee                                                   

This committee develops and evaluates opportunities for conservation-oriented projects; leads advocacy for legislation promoting native grass/grasslands conservation; and reviews information and current thought pertaining to conservation issues.

Outreach and Development Committee

This committee conducts general outreach; researches potential grants; suggests and plans fundraising objectives for Board approval; performs membership outreach; community outreach, and outreach to university faculty and students.

Research, Science, & Education Committee

This committee stays current on grasslands research; facilitates public access to research-related information; provides for the content review of information dissemination through CNGA programs; coordinates with workshop committee on event opportunities and sponsorships; reviews and evaluates existing on-line grassland-related lessons for use in the curriculum; and designs original grassland-related lessons.

Special and Ad Hoc Committees

Advisory Committee - The CNGA Advisory Committee is composed of invited grassland scientists, specialists, and previous CNGA Board Members who provide insight, strategic advice, and encourage exploration of new ideas to help us achieve our mission goals. 

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and one Member-at Large selected by the Board. The Executive Committee is a committee of the Board that has the same authority as the Board to act when the Board is not in session. Traditionally, this committee develops the organization’s annual budget for presentation to the full Board at the fall meeting; solicits recommendations and selects the organization’s annual award recipient; and performs other duties as spelled out in the bylaws and the annual plan.

Nomination and Elections Committee  

This committee, consisting of at least 3 members and at most 6 members, is annually appointed by the Board. Any CNGA member is eligible to be a member. This committee creates a Board development plan to be implemented year-round; contacts incumbent officers to determine whether the officer will seek reelection; plans for recruitment to meet specific Board needs, recommends candidates, including incumbent officers seeking reelection, to be put on the ballot for each vacant voting position. The Board then decides on the candidates best qualified to be on the ballot.

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