The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

About the California Native Grasslands Association

CNGA is the only organization working exclusively to conserve and restore California’s grasslands.

CNGA’s mission is to promote, preserve, and restore the diversity of California's native grasses and grassland ecosystems through education, advocacy, research, and stewardship. We work towards increasing public understanding and appreciation of the value of native grassland ecosystems. 

The California Native Grassland Association’s (CNGA’s) leadership in the restoration of California grasslands has extended far beyond incorporating the latest science into restoration techniques, it’s also pushed the frontiers of research—forging new directions and recruiting and collaborating with researchers to explore novel ways of understanding these grasslands, addressing critical knowledge gaps in our stewardship.

-Valerie Eviner & Michelle Halbur, Grasslands Summer 2021 Vol. 31. No. 3. 

Who we are...

CNGA is a non-profit membership organization that brings together diverse interests to promote, preserve, and restore the diversity of California’s native grasses and grassland ecosystems through education, advocacy, research, and stewardship.  Members include conservationists, restoration practitioners, naturalists, botanists, resource managers, horticulturalists, agency representatives, farmers, ranchers, homeowners, seed producers, scientists, consultants, students, and native plant enthusiasts.  

What we do...

Founded in 1991, CNGA continues to develop comprehensive and innovative programs of education, training, and field experience for its members and the general public. Through our publications, workshops, field trips, and our student scholarship program, CNGA is the primary network among people with an interest in California’s native grasses and grasslands. We believe this peer-to-peer contact and technical transfer of information is the most effective way to develop and promote the “art” of native grass restoration and conservation. 

Conserving California’s Native Grasslands: A Critical Mission

California’s native grasslands are among the most altered ecosystems in the state, with over 99% lost to agriculture, invasive species, development, and other human activities. Despite this, these remaining grasslands are vital habitats, supporting more than 40% of California's native plant species and providing critical resources for birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, and pollinators. Currently, 73 grassland-associated species are listed under state and federal Endangered Species Acts, including 14 vertebrates, 59 plants, and 6 butterfly species. Many other species, particularly native pollinators, are also in steep decline, often without formal protection.

At CNGA, we focus on conserving serving and restoring these fragile ecosystems. Through education, research, and advocacy, we aim to support the health of California’s grasslands and the diverse species that depend on them, ensuring their survival for future generations.

Our Programs: 

Grassland Research Awards for Student Scholarship (GRASS) #CaliforniaGRASS

We encourage the next generation to get involved by offering student research scholarships to support field work in California grasslands. Learn more


We train grassland and rangeland managers through our workshops. Learn more

Grasslands Journal

We provide up-to-date scientific based information in our presentations, advocacy, our website, and our quarterly journal, Grasslands. Learn more.


Our Conservation Committee works to conserve grasslands through advocacy at the grassroots level (no pun intended). Learn more. 


We offer educational materials with teacher instructions for students in grades K-12. We have worksheets on several topics and created a video for grades 3 to 9 called "What Was Here Before?" Learn more

We invite you to donate to CNGA or support CNGA by becoming a member.

CNGA's origin was on February 19, 1990 meeting when 20 public and private organizations met at the Lockford SCS Plant Materials Center to explore opportunities and "figure out a way to meet challenges which the organizations faced." In the fall of 1991, we became the California Native Grass Association with the dream to make native grasses available for restoration of natural communities. 

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California Native Grass Association  dba California Native Grasslands Association is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.        © All rights reserved                   

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