The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

Seed Identification

Identification Tool to Weed Disseminules of California Central Valley Table Grape Production Areas

This site was created to help prevent the spread of weed seeds in wine grapes to Australia and New Zealand but it has a lot of amazing photos and is a great resource for seed ID with excellent descriptions of seed parts. It was last updated in 2011, so some of the names are outdated. The keys are visual and easy to use

Wall, M. and J. Macdonald. 2009. Processing Seeds of California Plants for Conservation, Storage, and Restoration. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Occasional Publication, Number 10, Claremont, CA. 216 pages (PDF).

Published in 2009, so some species names are outdated. 

Image from Wall and Macdonald. 2009. Processing Seeds of CA Plants for Conservation, Storage, and Restoration. P-109. RSABG

Seed Colorado State University

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