The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

California's New Front Yard: Creating a Low-Water Landscape Workshop Series

The four downloadable PDF information booklets below are materials from our 2015-2016 New Front Yard workshop series. Print copies are available for cost plus shipping. Contact us at for details. 

More Information on CNGA's New Front Yard Series:

CNGA has hosted five New Front Yard workshops with the support of the Department of Water Resources and other organizations. These workshops demonstrated how to transform your thirsty lawn into a water-saving landscape featuring drought-tolerant trees, native grasses, perennials, and shrubs. Morning talks were followed by hands-on activities and demonstrations. These workshops are suitable for homeowners and landscape professionals alike. Each workshop location utilized local instructors, allowing us to personalize the workshop contents to the regional attendees.

September 2014: The first New Front Yard workshop held in Davis, CA at UC Davis. 

October 2015: Workshops held in Fairfield and Sacramento. (Link to Fairfield Workshop Summary.)

February 2016: Santa Cruz workshop held at UC Santa Cruz Arboretum. 

March 2016: Merced workshop held at UC Merced. 

Read about New Front Yard Workshops

Grasslands Article about the New Front Yard workshop series, originally published in Spring 2016 

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