The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

Introduction to Grass Taxonomy & Identification

  • Saturday, May 16, 2015
  • 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Pt. Reyes Dance Palace, 503 B Street, Pt. Reyes Station


  • Lunch includes a sandwich (chicken, beef or veggie), chips or granola bar, fruit, and a cookie or brownie.

    Register for lunch now and CNGA will contact you for your sandwich preference.

    **You must register separately for the lunch option.**
  • To make additional event registrations under one payment, click "Add Guest" at the bottom of the next screen.

Registration is closed

Identifying and Appreciating the Native and Naturalized Grasses of California

Saturday, May 16, 2015 8:30am - 5:30pm
Pt. Reyes Dance Palace
503 B Street, Pt. Reyes Station

Grasses are fun and easy to identify! Our goal is to learn the basic skills of identifying grasses and provide an overview of the native grass distribution in California. Working with plant samples in the classroom, both the Hitchcock's tribe method as well as the artificial key methodology will be reviewed.

Download flyer for more information and to pay by check.
$130/CNGA Members


$85/Students with ID
$12 Lunch 

(Choice of sandwich, chips or granola, fruit, and cookie or brownie)
or Bring your own lunch

(Restaurants in Pt. Reyes are too busy for the lunch period.)

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California Native Grass Association  dba California Native Grasslands Association is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.        © All rights reserved                   

This organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.

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