The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

9th Annual CNGA Field Day at Hedgerow Farms

  • Friday, April 22, 2016
  • 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • 21905 County Road 88, Winters CA 95694


Online registration is closed; please contact us if you would like to be added to the waitlist.

Coping with Competition: Weed Control Strategies in California Grasslands

9th Annual CNGA Field Day at Hedgerow Farms

April 22, 2016

8:45 - 3:00, Morning refreshments start at 8am

Join us for a day of field tours, networking and beautiful scenery at Hedgerow Farms Inc in Winters, CA. 

*Expert led talks and demonstrations covering a wide range of tools and methods for combating weeds. These include mechanical, mowing, flaming, solarization, grazing, burning, mulching, organic herbicides and conventional herbicides. 

*Tours will visit one and two year weed control trials

*Tours will also visit newly planted native restoration seeding trials 

*There will be labeled plots of both weeds and natives and discussion of tips on identifying commonly found species 

*Both tours will highlight ID characteristics, plant ecology and use of natives in restoration and other settings 

Lunch Time Program Speakers: 

-Keynote Joe DiTomaso: "Resources You Need to Know About for Weed Management in California Grasslands"

-Valerie Eviner: Update on climate impacts on the interactions between native and exotic species

-Rachael Long: Update on research on hedgerows and beneficial insects

Flyer available here! Share with your friends and colleagues. Please do not mail registrations. Contact us if you wish to pay by check. 

Contact us if you have questions at

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