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California's Native Grasslands
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Appreciating and Identifying Native and Naturalized Grasses of California
Day 1: Classroom Day at College of Marin, Kentfield Campus
Grasses are fun and easy to identify! Our goal is to learn the basic skills of identifying grasses and provide an overview of the native grass distribution in California. We will learn about California’s grassland ecology, compare native and non-native grasses and become skilled at recognizing the basic groups and common species by working with plant samples in the classroom.
We will review both the Hitchbock's tribe method of identifying grasses as well as the artificial key methodology focusing on important distinguishing traits. A class syllabus and basic keys will be provided. We will be using dissecting microscopes in class.
Morning refreshments and workbook are provided. Optional lunch is $12 extra. If you do not order lunch, please bring your own to class.
**A second optional field day is offered separately, see our May 15 Mt. Tamalpais Grass ID Course.** See dozens of grass species in the field, and learn some of the grassland types in the area. Space for the field day is limited so sign up early.
Here is a flyer. Share with friends and colleagues and use to register by mail.
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California Native Grass Association dba California Native Grasslands Association is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. © All rights reserved
This organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.