The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

Identifying and Appreciating Native and Naturalized Grasses of California: Bodega Marine Reserve

  • Saturday, May 13, 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Bodega Marine Reserve and Laboratory, 2099 Westshore Road, Bodega Bay
  • 0


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Identifying and Appreciating Native and Naturalized Grasses of California: Bodega Marine Reserve

Join us for a 1-day classroom and field workshop at the beautiful Bodega Marine Reserve and Laboratory! Morning will be spent in the classroom with plant samples and 10x hand lenses, and in the afternoon attendees will explore all the Reserve has to offer in native and naturalized grass species. 

View the flyer here and share it with your friends and colleagues and use to register by mail.

Workshop highlights include: 

  • Coastal prairie, uplifted marine terrace, and coastal bluff communities during wildflower season
  • Species of interest at the reserve: Bromus maritimus (common), rare grass Agrostis blasdalei, and Elymus pacificus!
Grasses are fun and challenging to identify! Our goal is to learn the basic skills of identifying grasses by using a dichotomous key and observing them in the field. We will learn about California’s grassland ecology and become skilled at recognizing the basic groups and common species by working with plant samples in the classroom. We will use the artificial key methodology focusing on the important distinguishing traits of a variety of grass species as presented in The Jepson Manual, second edition. A class syllabus and basic keys from the Jepson Manual website will be provided. We will not be using dissecting microscopes in class, but 10x had lenses will be available. An afternoon field tour on the Bodega Marine Reserve will round out this full day of learning.

Morning coffee and snacks along with a bag lunch are included.

Instructor: Michelle Cooper, Stewardship Manager, Marin Agricultural Land Trust

Michelle Cooper joined MALT in 2013 and manages MALT's stewardship program. Prior to joining MALT, she served as land steward at the University of California-Bodega Marine Reserve where she managed upland portions of the Reserve and conducted grassland restoration research projects. Michelle is serving her second term on the CNGA Board of Directors. 

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