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California's Native Grasslands
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Friday CNGA Workshop — Grass ID: Identifying and Appreciating the Native and Naturalized Grasses of California at SERCAL 2019, Santa Barbara.
CNGA is pleased to partner with SERCAL for our signature grass ID workshop.
Registration is through SERCAL
All net proceeds will go to CNGA.
We will spend the morning inside with classroom instruction with an afternoon in the field. Lunch is on your own (bring a lunch or walk to beautiful downtown Santa Barbara),
The goal of this workshop is to give botanists, resource and range professionals, ecologists, as well as interested landscape professionals and home gardeners, the confidence and skills to key an unfamiliar grass, and recognize key characteristics and groupings. First, a brief introduction to the ecological history of California grasslands will be offered, followed by a summary of the current status of this valuable resource with respect to weed invasion, restoration, and land use. Although participants should have a basic understanding of dichotomous keys and plant anatomy, they will be introduced to the grass key found in the 2nd Edition of The Jepson Manual (Eds. Baldwin et al.), as well as online resources for assistance in keying.
Participants will receive key excerpts and supplies to create reference specimens.
Taught by CNGA Board President Andrea Williams, a Vegetation Ecologist for Marin Municipal Water District on Mt. Tamalpais. She has worked in coastal grasslands from Northern California to Oregon off and on for 25 years.
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California Native Grass Association dba California Native Grasslands Association is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. © All rights reserved
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