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California's Native Grasslands
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California Native Grassland Association GRASS Award Speaker Series
Join us for the CNGA’s Virtual Speaker Series showcasing the amazing work undertaken in California Grasslands by some of our Grassland Research Awards for Student Scholarship Winners.
Talks are on Tuesdays from 6 PM - 7 PM PST featuring a one 40-minute talk, or one or two 20-minute talks, with time for Q&A.
Members: Free Non-Members: $10 Non-Member Students: Free with Student ID
Title: Functional traits explain invasive species effects on multispecies coexistence in California grasslands
Speaker: Carmen Watkins, University of Oregon
November 19, 2024 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Abstract: Understanding how to maintain and preserve biodiversity is a fundamental goal in our
Bio: I am a PhD student in Dr. Lauren Hallett's lab at the University of Oregon. I am broadly interested in plant species interactions and the effects of global change on community coexistence. My research explores how invasive species and drought change coexistence in California grasslands and uses above and belowground functional traits to understand changes to coexistence patterns. I am passionate about using science to understand the effects of climate change on ecosystems and applying that knowledge to shape our stewardship of the environment we live in.
Contact Justin Luong ( with any questions.
CNGA 2024 GRASS Award Speaker Series 2024 Schedule (Tuesdays, 6 - 7 pm)
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