The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

Grassland Monitoring Methods & Techniques

  • Friday, March 14, 2014
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Yolo County Flood Control & Cache Creek Conservancy, Woodland


Registration is closed

This one-day workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of vegetation and wildlife monitoring in the context of grassland habitats. During the morning session, workshop instructors will give indoor presentations on grassland ecosystems and ecosystem services, goals and objectives for monitoring, sampling designs and in-field methods, data analysis, and use of results to inform management actions. In the afternoon, we’ll take our newly acquired skills and techniques into the field at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve. The workshop will cover a variety of vegetation monitoring methods including seedbank sampling, repeat photography, point-intercept sampling and quadrat sampling. Wildlife monitoring techniques will also be presented for general taxa categories: birds, mammals, reptiles/amphibians, and invertebrates. DOWNLOAD FLYER 

Instructors: Chad Aakre, Restoration Ecologist, Olberding Environmental; Andrew Rayburn, Restoration Ecologist, River Partners; Hillary White, Senior Restoration & Wildlife Ecologist, H.T. Harvey & Associates

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