The Only Organization Working Exclusively to Conserve and Restore

California's Native Grasslands

Introduction to Grass Taxonomy & Identification

  • Saturday, June 14, 2014
  • 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Point Reyes Dance Palace, 503 B Street, Pt. Reyes Station, Marin Co., CA


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Please check back for our Fall line-up!

This 1-day workshop presents the basics of identifying grasses using the new Jepson Manual, in addition to focusing on the identifying characteristics of common native and non-native grass species.  We will learn about California’s grassland ecology, the qualities of specific native grasses for restoration, and become skilled at recognizing the basic groups and common species by working with plant samples in the classroom.   We will then go out into Point Reyes National Seashore to find and identify common species in the field.  Participants are encouraged to bring along a copy of the new Jepson Manual, a hand lens, and some forceps if they have them. Otherwise, all identification tools will be provided.  
 Instructors: Michelle Cooper, Conservation Easement Stewardship Associate, Marian Agricultural Land Trust; Jon O’Brien, Environmental Resources Associate, Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District    

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