Celebrating and conserving the ecological richness of California's grasslands

Better Grasslands Through Knowledge: A CNGA Science-Based Symposium

February 6 - 7, 2025                             Hopland Research and Extension Center

Sponsorship Opportunities

The California Native Grasslands Association invites your organization to sponsor our Grassland Symposium.

This science-based symposium provides attendees with in-depth science-based information for preserving, managing, restoring, and appreciating California native grasslands.

Event Details:

  • 200 attendees
  • 2 days of speakers, all in the same location: Rod Shippey Hall
  • Registration

The format includes:

  • 2 keynote speakers
  • 12 technical talks
  • A lightning talk session
  • Social Hour and poster session at the end of the first day

Topics addressed will include:
  • Soil Science
  • Vegetation and Wildlife Ecology
  • Native Grassland Conservation
  • Land Stewardship and Management Monitoring
  • Drought and Wildfire

And more!

To become a sponsor, we ask that you contribute at the level that best meets your needs, with benefits as outlined below.

Please fill out and submit the form linked on this page. Sponsor early to ensure your logo is included in all our communications for the symposium!

Choose your level and then fill out this form: Sponsorship Application Form

Student Sponsor $250

Student Sponsorships will help offset our much reduced student rates. 

  • Organization logo included on event announcements and website
  • Organization logo included in program
  • Number of organization materials included in folder provided to attendees (flyer, stickers, etc.): 1 item

Snack Sponsor  $1,000

  • Organization logo included on event announcements and website
  • Organization logo included in program
  • Number of organization materials included in folder provided to attendees (flyer, stickers, etc.): 1 item
  • Complimentary registration(s): 1
  • Organization logo on the event banner
  • Verbal recognition of organization at the event
  • Organization logo displayed at the food table

Social Hour Sponsor  $3,000

  • Organization logo included on event announcements and website
  • Organization logo included in program
  • Number of organization materials included in folder provided to attendees (flyer, stickers, etc.): 4 items
  • Complimentary registration(s): 3
  • Organization logo on the event banner
  • Verbal recognition of organization at the event
  • Organization logo displayed at the food table

Booth Sponsor $600

Booths are located in the entry room with lots of opportunity for interaction with attendees. Space is limited. 

  • Organization logo included on event announcements and website
  • Organization logo included in program
  • Comped registration(s)
  • Booth space- ½ of a table

Breakfast Sponsor $2,000

  • Organization logo included on event announcements and website
  • Organization logo included in program
  • Number of organization materials included in folder provided to attendees (flyer, stickers, etc.): 3 items
  • Complimentary registration(s): 2
  • Organization logo on the event banner
  • Verbal recognition of organization at the event
  • Organization logo displayed at the food table

Lunch Sponsor $5,000

  • Organization logo included on event announcements and website
  • Organization logo included in program
  • Number of organization materials included in folder provided to attendees (flyer, stickers, etc.): 5 items
  • Complimentary registration(s): 4
  • Organization logo on the event banner
  • Verbal recognition of organization at the event
  • Organization logo displayed at the food table

Download the Sponsorship Flyer

Need help? Email us at admin@cnga.org. 

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